Stress! Stress! Strees! : How to get rid from Stress

Stress : மனஅழுத்தம்

on this modern society stress becomes the familiar word and without spelling this no corporate employees day in gets completed.

let us understand what is stress :

I want to do some thing in a way ; But i was not allowed by my circumstances to do so.
I want him to listen ; But he is not.
I want to stay home ; But the meeting.... (fixed without prior intimation)
I want to have my breakfast ; but late night slept yesterday.. so no time to have my breakfast.
I was planning to wake up early in the morning ;But i couldn't ; of-course that was not my mistake.
like this...

Some thing is not as per your expectation.
Why is this happening, are we not understanding how it happens actually.

Thing is that we cannot make it happen ; it happens as decided.

Decided ?? By Whom ?? ha... its you decided you future and the happenings.

i happen to see, knowing intelligent is the highest factor of stress.
yes, Stress comes to a person who is Intelligent and brilliant. how believes himself so.

But we need to understand the language of Nature.

Nature.... Not the outside one but the inside once.

I mean Human Digestive System. does it is working good. or other wise
(From the mouth to Anus)
On the Nine holes we have in our body, if we see three are single and other Six are Three Pairs.

Two Eyes
Two Ears
Two Nose
One Mouth
One Anus
One Urine Tube

what ever we do with pair holes are having direct impact on last three single Holes
actually digestive system is wholesomely consists of all Nine Holes.

Heat and Cool makes big difference in this system. paired six holes in takes some thing and rest three holes function in according to the vision/listen/breath.

Are we allowing that system to function in its way? Naturally..

if answer is " Yes" ; then no STRESS.
if answer is " No" ;then there is STRESS.

Keep your Digestive System working in its natural way.
Rest will be set automatically Right.

Dhavamani R
